Feb 21, 2023Liked by James Hudnall

That’s an excellent quote. I heard that last week. It resonated pretty strongly. I think I’m down for the growth mindset, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now. Thank you for all you do James!

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I love watching you evolve, Jesse. Keep it up.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by James Hudnall

Happened to come across an article on growth Vs fixed mindset and the whole point of that article is

1- If you believe you can only do things you are blessed to do and nothing else, you can't actually do anything inspiring

2- Success comes with efforts and those who make efforts ultimately achieve their goals no matter what

They showed examples of both growth and fixed mindset and their impact in our profession, personal, and love life. I'll look for the article in my history and link here. Stay blessed everyone!

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Thanks for adding that, Tooba.

Thinking back, I find it equal parts funny and empowering to see how I've been able to accomplish just about anything I wanted to, provided I dedicated my full attention and desire to achieve "the thing" over a long enough time. I know many others who have as well.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by James Hudnall

Reminds me of the song written by Bob Dylan which states:

"You better start swimming or you'll sing like a stone, for the times they are a-changin".

Growth can be painful and uncomfortable but it's worth it and necessary if we want to survive and thrive.

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I've started to view life as an elevated sin wave. If we always lived at the peak, life would be boring. Those downward trends and bottoms help inform the next upswing, letting us reach higher peaks over time.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by James Hudnall

So if we leverage the momentum from the downward trends we will grow. Otherwise it is wasted energy!

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